“It’s there just under the surface, waiting to come out.” ~~ James Naremore Editor’s Note: We’re fortunate to have a guest post from James Naremore, who wrote American Still Life and is participating in a WOW Blog Tour. How do you find your voice? It’s somewhere between your brain, your heart, and your fingers.
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Fall 2024 ~~ Writing Advice
No Time to Write in December? Try this: Close the door to the room where your desk or a desk is. Turn off your phone or put it on airplane mode. Set your timer for 20 minutes. Write about any holiday moment in your memory. Here are a couple of starts I could use. What
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You can say a lot in a letter that you might have trouble saying in person. September Writing Prompts Ever read an epistolary novel? You can say a lot in a letter that you might have trouble saying in person. Here are some things to try: Write a letter to your younger self offering advice.
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“Hook your readers and draw them into your world.” ~~Anoop Judge Ways to Begin a Story: Crafting the Perfect Opening The author of this article, Anoop Judge, is also the author of No Ordinary Thursday, a family drama of secrets, misconceptions, and tragedy, She’s the author of three additional books and is also a writing
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What happens if… Some Writing Prompts to Ponder during March 🌹 What happens if you pick one prompt, complete the sentence, write the next sentence, and keep going? What happens if you write for 20 minutes? When spring comes… Did you hear… Rolling around in the grass, she was shocked to find… Did you have
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“Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very;’ your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.” ― Mark Twain December Writing Prompts Set a timer for 20 minutes. Finish one of these sentence starts. Keep going. Go wherever the writing takes you. When the 20 minutes
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I asked the winners of our last contest to explain why entering contests is worthwhile. All sent excellent responses and no two are the same. There are 3 responses on the page, but at the top we have our September Writing Prompts. “You never know who is reading your work and other paths that may
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“We are compelled to make sense of ourselves, our lives, and the physical and ethereal realms in which those unfold. We do so as interpreters, as storytellers.” ~~ Ronald Chapman Writing as Spiritual Practice By Ronald Chapman Author of The Dark Side of Grace Editor’s Note: MY TBR stack is climbing towards the
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“I don’t need an alarm clock. My ideas wake me.” —Ray Bradbury February Free Writing Topics: Write about the layers of love in your life. Write about your first love. Write about your current love. Write about your love for a child, a pet, or a project. Write about the love thoughts that won’t leave
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“Today, I realize acceptances and those dratted rejections remain an integral part of the writing life.” ~~ Catherine Forster NOTE: Right now I’m adding new prompts every 4 weeks. The current ones were added on 12/05/22 and are in this color. Scroll past the top 2 articles to find them. Want me to post them
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“You don’t lose until you quit trying.” ~~Richard T. Brown, Jr. 2022 Scintillating Starts Opportunity Openings matter. They determine whether a potential agent will represent your book or move on. Writer Advice’s Scintillating Starts Opportunity is your chance to show how effectively you can grab and hold your readers and get feedback on what
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“…an excellent way to stand out from the crowd.” ~~B. Lynn Goodwin Contests for IndieBooks Why do writers enter an indie or self published book in a contest? What do they hope to gain? Recognition. Publicity. Acknowledgment that helps you stand out from the group. Recently an agent–a fiction agent–state that my awards
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