Latest Contest Information
Writer Advice’s FLASH FICTION Contest 2019
Flash Fiction Submission Information
WriterAdvice seeks flash fiction running 750 words or less. Open our eyes. Help us see the world as your characters do. Finalists receive responses from all judges. Everyone receives a detailed response from award-winning author B. Lynn Goodwin.
What is Flash Fiction? For Writer Advice, it is a story of 750-words or less that has a protagonist, a conflict, a setting, excellent use of language, and an ending that we didn’t predict when we read the first line. We enjoy stories with a discovery, complex characters, lovely language, and a tone that rings true.
There is no formula for success, but a protagonist we care about, a distinctive voice, and a clear impact on the reader all matter. Setting helps. So does conflict and resolution.
If the story feels squeezed at 750-words, don’t force it. There are plenty of journals where you can send your longer pieces.
JUDGES will be selected from previous prizewinners. Their names will be announced soon and you can read their pieces by clicking on Prior Winners (top right hand box on the home page).
PRIZES: First Place earns $150; Second Place earns $75; Third Place earns $40; Honorable Mentions will also be listed.
- Include your name, contact information, and title in the cover letter, but include only your title in the submission so it remains anonymous. Please leave the header and footer blank.
- Since we judge these anonymously, you don’t need a cover letter that includes more than your contact information. If you are a finalist, we’ll ask for a bio.
- Please double-space your submission. We recommend that you use a 14-point font that is easy to read. Cambria, Ariel, and Verdana are all good. If you forget, we may fix it for you.
- You own the copyright. If we publish your work, the rights still belong to you, though we ask you not to resubmit until 90 days after it appears on Writer Advice and give us credit if it is published elsewhere.
- Simultaneous submissions accepted.
- If your work is accepted elsewhere, please notify us immediately.
- We prefer unpublished work, though we do accept stand-alone excerpts from works seeking a publisher or agent.
- Please hit the contact button and ask questions if anything is unclear or missing. Thank you!
SUBMISSIONS: All entries should be submitted through Submittable,
You may enter UP TO THREE stories, but each is a separate submission with a separate fee of $14. The contest opens on March 21 and closes on June 1, 2019.
Names of all winners will be announced on WriterAdvice, in July or—worst case scenario—August.
E-mail questions, but not submissions to editor B. Lynn Goodwin at Lgood67334 AT comcast DOT net.